This creates a new environment setting up the main data locations as well as installing a new configuration folder with a config file and a sqlite database that is used to track data elements and their associated metadata.


create_data_model(file_name:str=None, location:Path=None)

Creates an SQLite database with the appropriate tables for use in managing the data intake process.

This will not destroy a pre-existing database file.


file_name : str, optional Name of the database file defaults to 'intake_db'

location : Path, optional Location where to save the db file, by default current working directory



Create the folder structure to accept data. Also populate a helpful readme with instructions on how to use the data intake process.


location : Path, optional The location where to create the folder structure, by default current working directory


create_config(location:Path, db_path:Path, folders:dict)

Create a new default configuration file with the paths set to the default paths.


location : Path Location of data intake project

db_path : Path Location of the data intake database

folders : dict Dictionary with the folder paths for 'delivery', 'raw', and 'datasets'



Stands up a data intake environment at the given location.


location : Path, optional Location to create the environment, defaults to current working directory.